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our pricing

our pricing

zoran.net is known for highest-quality solutions, while providing them within reasonable and affordable price-range. Please mind it that we're a European company (all our developers are working on CET +/- 1hr). These prices are varying, depending on type of work / consultant-profile. Usually, customers focus on developer-prices, and we'll start with those:


Prices are "work and material", developers are accessible via online communication methods such as Slack, Skype, Google Meetings, Whatsapp, Viber, etc.
We suggest, however, to use our project managers and/or architects for communication in order to prevent standard development issues.

Pricing per hour.

For retainer agreements, a discount is applicable.

Developer type Description Seniority Price per hour
Web front-end developer HTML, JS, CSS, Java, React, Vue, Angular, etc. Junior € 35
Experienced € 42
Senior € 59
Web back-end developer NodeJS, PHP, Java, .NET, etc. Junior € 38
Experienced € 45
Senior € 62
Mobile web-site front-end Mobile frameworks + JS, CSS Junior € 35
Experienced € 42
Senior € 59
Native mobile apps Android, iOS.
Flutter, React Native.
Experienced € 45
Senior € 60
Local applications Windows, OSX, Linux
C++, Java, .NET, Electron, Node-Webkit, etc.
Experienced € 46
Senior € 63
Project management:

(prices are "work and material", project-managers are also accessible via online communication methods such as Slack, Skype, Google Meetings, Whatsapp, Viber, etc. 8hrs/day)
projects are managed in tool of customer's choice, most common to be Jira, Basecamp or even simple GitHub PM tools

Type Description Seniority Price per hour
Project-manager dev Experienced € 40
Senior € 55

Conceptual and architectural work. Documents and technical preparation. Software-requirements or detailed specification.

Type Description Seniority Price per hour
Architect Senior € 135
Top € 225
VC Consultancy, due-diligence, interim CTO:

Pricing is in range of € 225 - € 375, depending on the engagement duration-, size- and type.