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how we solve your software-project issues

how we solve your software-project issues

zoran.net is your one-stop solution place for everything you need concerning your software- or online-system development, whether you're starting a new project or you're already in the middle of it and need re-design/makeover, additional resources, support...

We provide you with:

when engaging us, you may pick all or any of the above, and mix'n'match as you please...

s tarting a new project

if you're starting a completely new project, and have only a business idea that should materialize through a new piece of (online) software - we can offer you support on all levels, from a turnkey solution (for local or online software) down to any element of production you might need

in such scenarios, our customers most typically need all or most of the pre-production elements, with the freedom to proceed in a flexible way (depending on finances, team-ownership wish, commercial model, etc).

business-to-software "translation" is almost always opted for (resulting in form of SRS -> software requirements specification, and/or DDS -> detailed design specification).
SRS is the "higher level document" (meaning it may be read by non-technical people, too, and use for other purposes also, such as investment memorandums, evaluations, overall planning etc), while a DDS is a "lower level document", meant for production purposes, to be used by architects, engineers, developers... both documents have a value of their own, and are always needed, in the similar manner as -for example- a scenario/script and shooting-book are needed for a movie production. if you're a serious movie producer you surely won't start your production by hiring actors and music composers :-), but you would want to have a precise technical/operational plan on what's going to happen with your investment, and how it will be secured from possible delays or changes relative to the original idea. this goal, in software production, is achieved by those two high- and low- level documents, which are the basis for your future product

additionally, of course, you want to think about your budgets and be cost-effective. for this purpose - we offer you our software project management (which drastically reduces the cost-to-market as well as maintenance expenses) and our development resources. our project-consultants are all with 20+ years of experience in appropriate fields. pricing for development itself is extremely attractive, and we are proud to offer our development services under such conditions.

m anaging an existing project

if you're already running a software project, and are in need of additional resources or more effective project management, zoran.net offers you a wide choice of options

we're providing an array of resources, from highest to lowest level. This includes software-team management skills, basic development resources, additional resources, maintenance resources, optimization of your product and possible extensions of the platform

most typically, our customers are in need for extension of their existing development resources: additional team members which might be attached to their teams. We're offering an all-in solution for this, where our developers are constantly accessible via latest digital communication-means (anoxtech bws, nec ucc, skype, google hangouts...) and are co-operating with your developers/teams simply as extended resources, adapting to your processes (code repositories, bug-tracking report systems, project-management systems, etc.)

some of our customers (most typically ISVs) are opting for this kind of support also when in need of someone to maintain their code-paths and customer-base, wishing to keep their internal resources focused on new developments, while some other ones are opting for our exclusive r&d skills and innovative approach

m odernizing and re-shaping a project

quite often, customers approach us to modernize an existing software project. In order to achieve this, we offer the same consulting services as for a new project, plus analysis of the existing platform, taking in consideration additionally the already existing user-habits, gui-changes/improvements, system-porting and integration, as well as proposing all the applicable new technologies for such a project, which might be "live" for a long time, but in need of a face-lift

in this case, we also provide all levels of support for such customers - from highest to lowest, from architectural and business solutions down to actual code-writing, project-execution and deployment